Certify Your Business Exemption from OregonSaves

Your business may be exempt from OregonSaves if you offer one of the following company-sponsored retirement plans:

  • 401(a) - including 401(k)
  • 403(a) - qualified annuity plan
  • 403(b) - tax-sheltered annuity plan
  • 408(k) - Simplified Employee Pension plan
  • 408(p) - SIMPLE IRA plan
  • 457(b) - governmental deferred compensation plan
  • Business has no W-2 employees

If your business meets one or more of the exemption criteria, please notify us of your exemption by following the steps described below.

What pieces of information do I need to exempt my company?

To exempt your company from OregonSaves, you will need:

  • The EIN of the company (the EIN is your business' IRS-issued Tax ID Number), 

  • The access code provided in the invitation to register, and

  • The type of retirement plan that allows your company to be exempt from the program

How do I start the exemption process?

Go to https://oregonsaves.vestwell.com/exempt.

Enter your business's EIN and the Access Code sent to your email. Then, click Begin

If you don't know your business' EIN, please contact someone in your company who is responsible for financial matters.

If you don't know your Access Code or your combination of EIN and Access Code does not allow you to proceed to the next step, please contact clientservices@oregonsaves.com or (844) 661-1256 for assistance.

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Next, select Certify my exemption. Then, click Continue.


To proceed, you must select the type of retirement plan offered by your company that qualifies you for an exemption from OregonSaves. To select, click on the radial button next to your plan type.

Then, enter your full name. After checking the box to confirm the accuracy of your submission, you may click Confirm Exemption


Lastly, you will be presented with an on-screen acknowledgment of your exemption along with your unique exemption code. Please retain that code for your records.  

We recommend providing a valid email address and selecting Email me the exemption code so that you will receive an email confirmation. 

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If you provide a valid email address, you will receive the following email to confirm your program exemption.

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Retain this email for your company records.